Parent Teacher Association
President - Lisa Kerr
Secretary - TBA
Treasurer - Hayley Sheridan
Staff Reps – Zara McIndoe, Jill Miller, and Marcus Hughes
Email Address:
We are a vibrant and energetic group of parents that meet twice a term.
We raise money through Mufti Days, Pie Days, Movie Nights and our annual Quiz Night & Adventure Run. All of the money we raise goes back into the school to provide children with school excursions, school camps, and provide funds for the maintenance and upgrade of our school facilities. These are the things that make our school so incredibly awesome.
We also work alongside the Board of Trustees to complete grants to achieve those big ticket items that our children get to benefit from.
If you are interested in being a friend of the PTA please join the Facebook link below for updates and ways that you can support our PTA in their fun and fundraising efforts. Thanks everyone!
Ōtūmoetai Community of Learning
Kāhui Ako
Ōtūmoetai Primary School is part of the Ōtūmoetai Community of Learning/Kāhui Ako (CoL). The Ōtūmoetai Community of Learning consists of Ōtūmoetai College, Ōtūmoetai Intermediate, Ōtūmoetai Primary, Bellevue Primary, Te Kura o Manunui, Bethlehem Primary, Matua Primary, Pillans Point Primary and Te Wharekura o Mauao.
Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako are primarily about raising student achievement and encouraging a collaborative approach to education. They are about improving student progress, achievement and well-being throughout the learner pathway from Early Childhood Education to Tertiary Education.
The responsibility for governance of our Community of Learning/ Kāhui Ako rests with the nine schools’ Boards of Trustees collectively. For practical purposes a steering committee has been delegated the task of establishing and overseeing our Community of Learning/ Kāhui Ako.
Representatives on this committee are principals and / or senior leaders from each member school, Iwi partners, 2 x Early Childhood Education (ECE) reps and Ministry of Education Advisors.
A continuing development in our CoL is the involvement of our Early Childhood Centres and Kohunga Reo. Our 37 local ECE’s have come together and are committed to working with our Community of Learning/ Kāhui Ako. They have elected two representatives who participate in our steering committee meetings.
Our Community of Learning/ Kāhui Ako is committed to forming enduring partnerships with our Tauranga Moana Iwi.
As our Community of Learning/ Kāhui Ako develops and builds on collaborative practice between our schools and between teachers in our schools, we recognise and acknowledge the importance of forming close and meaningful relationships with our whānau and Tauranga Moana iwi.