Welcome to
Ōtūmoetai Primary School
Ōtūmoetai Primary School
Ōtūmoetai Primary School is a Year 0-6 school with a history dating back to 1895. Our vision is to encourage our students, staff, parents and whānau to be Actively Involved Learners - Ū ana te ako.
Our school whakatauki embodies our school culture: He taonga te aroha - Goodwill towards others is a precious gift.
Our school values are the result of in-depth community consultation and reflect our community's aspirations for our children. The CARE acronym encourages our learners to be:
Please get involved in our school - our success depends on the support and involvement of all stakeholders. We encourage your involvement as classroom helpers, PTA and BOT members, sports coaches and managers and in contributing to school reviews, surveys and school fundraisers.
Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, Engari he toa takitini.
Success is not the work of one but the work of many.
Nau mai haere mai - welcome to our school!
Ngā mihi nui
Zara McIndoe
Dip Tchg, B.Ed, Postgrad Dip. Ed. Leadership

Learn about the Ōtūmoetai Primary History, Vision, Logo and Values
Check out our awesome school book that tells the story of our school history, local legends, and link to Ngāi Tamarāwaho!
Our Vision for the young people of Ōtūmoetai Primary School is that we are ‘Actively Involved Learners.’
Our school logo symbolises the oak tree situated on the corner of Ōtumoetai Road and Sherwood Street which was planted when our school opened on this site in 1895. The logo also shows representation of Ōtūmoetai hill - the puke or hill that we travel up each day to reach our school. The koru within the hill represents the waters of the sleeping tide of the Ōtūmoetai harbour.
Ōtūmoetai has a special meaning.
‘O’ - means the place of, ‘tu’ - means standing still, ‘moe’- means sleeping and ‘tai' - means tide - So...Ōtūmoetai means 'the place of the sleeping tide.'
Our CARE Values are Confident, Adventurous, Respectful and Encouraging.
Confident - Māia
Adventurous - Manawanui
Respectful - Manaaki
Encouraging – Whakamana
We acknowledge Ngāti Ranginui Iwi and Ngaī Tamarāwaho hapū as Tangata Whenua, and are committed to maintaining a close working reciprocal relationship. We recognise and value the unique position of Māori in Aotearoa, and the importance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Te Ao, Te Reo and Tikanga Māori are authentically interwowen throughout the school as a normal part of what happens every day. This complimentary approach acknowledges and respects the values, traditions and histories of both Māori and Pakeha.
Building close relationships with whānau is a priority. Whānau are a significant component of the partnership relationship, which ensures Māori students are able to learn as Māori, and achieve at the highest levels.