School Information

School Information

  • The school hours are as follow:

    8.55 - 11am - First teaching & learning block

    11am - 11.20am - Interval

    11.20 - 12.50 - Second teaching & learning block

    12.50 - 1.50 - Lunchtime

    1.50 - 3pm - Third teaching & learning block 

    Children should arrive at school between 8.30 and 8.45 am. A bell will ring at 8.30am allowing children to enter classrooms. There is no supervision for children after 3pm.

    Before and after school care is provided by OPEYS.

  • If children are away from school for any reason we are, by law, required to have an explanation from parents. Unexplained absences will be referred to the Truancy Service.

    Students who arrive after the 8.55 am bell must report to the office before heading to class.

    To report an absence please message us.

  • In the case of illness, the child/s caregiver will be notified. Minor accidents will be treated at school. More serious accidents may require further medical attention.

    If your child has any special medical condition, or medication, please ensure we know about it. No pills or medicines should be placed in a lunch box or school bag. 

  • If something has been lost please feel free to come and look through the found items in the Lost Property Cupboard at the end of A Block (outside Room 3).

  • Newsletters can be found on our website.

    We have a school Facebook page which we encourage parents to ‘like’ so that whānau can be kept up-to-date with school events.

    You can also connect via Seesaw, please speak to the classroom teacher.

  • Ōtūmoetai Primary School offers many opportunities for children to be involved in Sport. Please check the sports page for further information.

  • OPS Bank Account Info

    ANZ : 06-0433-0191076-00

    (Please use child's name and what the payment is for in reference/particulars).

  • Our school uniform can be purchased from NZ Uniforms in Elizabeth Street.

    NZ Uniforms Website.

    Please see the flyer in the enrolment pack for information about our school uniform. 

  • Formal Parent Teacher discussions are held once a year and a written report is issued to most students at mid and end of the year.  We encourage parents to contact the class teacher if they wish to discuss their child’s progress or if they have any concerns.

  • At the beginning of the school year stationery is sold in bulk packs. Children will receive a book list on their first day at school. The office stocks all stationery requirements.

  • Please inform the school if there are any changes that relate to the custody of your children and the rights of access to information about your children. We require a copy of any formal custody arrangements.