Supporting Your Child's Learning

As whānau you play a big part in your child's learning every day, and you can support and build on what they learn at school too.

On each of these pages you’ll find simple, practical ideas for supporting your child to develop their reading, writing, and maths at home. These activities are designed to reinforce what they’ve learned, and help them stay confident and ready for the learning they’re doing at school.

Each page is tailored to a specific year level from Years 1–6, and available on your web browser and as a downloadable poster.

Online Safety

Helping our children through something we are not familiar with is often very challenging as a parent. Here are some websites that provide relevant information and some specific safety tools that you may find helpful.

  • Being a parent or caregiver in the digital age can be challenging. Here you will find tools and advice to help you 'keep it real online' with your children and young people.

  • There are a lot of benefits for children and teenagers online, but they can also be targets of crime and exploitation. It is important to educate children and help them develop online safety skills so they can navigate the internet in a safe, happy and healthy way.

    Visit the above links for more information.

  • “Founded in 2018 by Rob and Zareen, Our Kids Online began as a response to a pivotal moment: all four children in their blended family started asking for handheld devices. With both Rob and Zareen having authored books in the mental health space, they were deeply concerned by the rising rates of anxiety and depression among tweens and teens. This sparked an intense journey of research and discovery.

    What they uncovered was alarming—a global epidemic of online harms affecting children of all ages. Determined to make a difference, they committed themselves to helping parents and caregivers understand these risks, offering practical safety solutions and guidance on building emotional resilience in kids through their Cyber Safety Presentations.”

    Visit Our Kids Online for more information.

Parent Help

Parenting helpline and counselling for parents, caregivers and whānau in Aotearoa.