Weka Team
Weka Team

Year 5 and 6
Weka Team is where students begin to prepare for the exciting next step in their educational journey - intermediate. As teachers we aim to enhance your child's independence, self-management, and leadership skills. Students are able to take part in a range of activities both inside and outside of the classroom, including school camps, where they challenge themselves and become well-rounded learners. As leaders of our kura, Weka students are able to take on extra responsibilities such as road patrol, PE shed monitor, librarian and can become CARE leaders. Our aim is to help students be socially, academically and emotionally ready to transition smoothly into the next stage of their learning. We also want to provide students with a fun learning-culture in our team where a sense of humour is valued. We look forward to welcoming your child into Weka Team!

While deep diving into topics, in literacy we also focus on vocabulary development, reading for meaning using comprehension strategies, and critical thinking skills.
During Maths we are extending our understanding around Number, Algebra, Probability, Geometry, Measurement, and Statistics. In Weka team we place a big focus on students knowing their times tables and having a solid understanding of fractions, decimals and place value.
During 2025 some of our engaging Team topics will be the below:
Natural Disasters
Feel free to see how you can help your child at home by checking out the linked guides.
You can also discuss with your child(ren)'s class teacher to delve further or feel free to email me at k.wallace@ops.school.nz
Ngā mihi nui,
Mrs. Wallace
Weka Team Leader & Room 3 Teacher